Wel dyma'r Un sy'n maddeu

(Dydd Mercher y Lludw - Boreuol Weddi)
Wel, dyma'r Un sy'n maddeu
  Pechodau rif y gwlith;
'Does mesur ar ei gariad,
  Na therfyn iddo byth;
Mae'n 'mofyn lle i dosturio,
  Mae'n hoffi trugarhau;
Tragaredd i'r amddifad
  Sydd ynddo yn parhau.

Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion,
  I dd'od o'r cystudd mawr;
Â'i werthfawr waed fe dalodd
  Eu dyled oll i lawr;
Nid oes dim damnedigaeth
  I neb o'r duwiol had;
Y gwaredigion canant
  Am rinwedd mawr ei waed.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
- - - - -
Wel, dyma'r Un sy'n maddeu
  Pechodau rif y gwlith;
'D oes mesur ar Ei gariad,
  Na therfyn iddo byth;
Mae'n 'mofyn lle i dosturio,
  Mae'n hoffi trugarhau;
Tragaredd i'r amddifaid
  Sydd ynddo i barhau.

Fe gênir, ac fe gênir
  Yn nhragwyddoldeb maith,
Os gwelir un pererin
  Mor lesg ar ben ei daith;
A gurwyd mewn tymhestloedd,
  A olchwyd yn y gwaed,
A gànwyd, ac a gadwyd
  Trwy'r iachawdwriaeth râd.
1: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
2: David Morris 1744-91

Tôn [7676D]: Abertawe (Salmydd Marot)

  Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  Mae Crist a'i w'radwyddiadau
  Mae'r Iesu mawr yn maddeu
  Os dof i trwy'r anialwch
  Os gwelir fi bechadur
  Pa dduw ymhlith y duwiau?

(Ash Wednesday - Morning Prayer)
See, here is One who is forgiving
  Sins as numerous as the dew;
There is no measure to his love,
  Nor end to him ever;
He is asking for a place for mercy,
  He is loving being merciful
Mercy for the destitute
  Which is in him enduring.

He opened a door for the prisoners,
  To come from the great tribulation;
With his precious blood he paid
  Down all their debt;
There is no condemnation
  For any of the godly seed;
The delivered ones shall sing
  About the great merit of his blood.
- - - - -
See, here is One who forgives
  Sins as numerous as the dew;
There is no measure to His love,
  Nor ever any end to it;
He seeks a place to hve pity,
  He loves to show mercy;
Mercy to the defenceless
  Is enduring in him.

It will be sung and it will be sung
  For a vast eternity,
If one pilgrim is seen
  So weary at the end of his journey;
Beaten in tempests,
  And washed in the blood,
Who born, and who was kept
  Through the gracious salvation.
tr. 2018,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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